offset culture

Under 25? Welcome to Offset!

We create sociable and imaginative opportunities to explore your interests and topics important to you. We listen carefully, connect you with creative people and collaborate with you in creative environments to make interesting things happen.

This usually happens as part of a team when you take part in the unique projects that we create. The outcomes of these projects amplify your thoughts, opinions & ideas so that others can hear what really matters! Along the way, you grow skills, gain confidence and make friendships.

We also regularly host workshops and other live events.

Offset is about changing things up.

From something as small as changing up your day when you try something new, to instigating change on the issues you care about.

Don’t consider yourself creative? It doesn’t matter!

You don’t have to be ‘good at art’ or think of yourself as creative to join us. Offset is open to anyone who is curious and wants to try something new, be sociable or grow confidence.

Image: Willie Robb

More about joining us

Our project teams benefit from:

  • Payment for time and/or project expenses

  • Training opportunities

  • Zero stress and plenty of fun

  • A super friendly & welcoming team!

So, what now?

Head to our projects page. Look out for opportunities to join our project teams – these often have a deadline but if you’ve missed it and you’re interested, get in touch.

If you don’t see a project that interests you, join our mailing list or follow us on socials - new opportunities come up all the time.

Check out our workshops & live events. Coming along to one is a great to way to get a feel for us.